Bad weather makes think of… / Le mauvais temps me rappelle…


  • The WEATHER is an eternal topic of conversation for British people. Especially BAD WEATHER. Which is quite unsurprising as they experience a lot of it… just like us in friendly Saint-Martin this whole weekend!

So I’m taking this opportunity to show SOLIDARITY towards the UK people that live continuously with this kind of “rubbish” weather. Those guys definetely do not have a warm weather but they have the SUN in their hearts… just like us in the Friendly Island!

  • Le TEMPS (météo) est un éternel sujet de conversation pour le peuple britannique. Le MAUVAIS TEMPS surtout. Ce qui est peu surprenant car ils le subissent lourdement… tout comme nous à Saint-Martin ce week-end!

Je profite donc de cette occasion pour exprimer ma SOLIDARITE envers le peuple du Royaume-Uni qui vit en permanence avec ce temps “de merde”. Ces gars-là n’ont pas un temps de rêve, mais ils ont le SOLEIL dans leur cœur… tout comme nous dans la Friendly Island!

Big up to this A-MA-ZING city, to the UK people, the UK lovers…  and of course to my SXM people in the UK!

From #SXM to #London with L.O.V.E (#IWillBeBack)

Storm coming

‘Til the next time you see me
Just remember you need me, I’m the storm coming…

storm coming

Climate phenomenon in Long Bay
Phénomène climatique à Baie Longue

When I sing it’s a cyclone
I’m writing a raging sea
Searching for a sign of life
Is it safe to say it’s me?
Listen to our lives
The wind will whisper the way it is
I am going to happen! What a lovely day it is!
Don’t ask why
Just LIVE, and, DIE.

– “Storm coming” Gnarls Barkley


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